I can’t believe that it has been over 18 months already since I started this blog. What was once a small dream to view my opinions about the Big N has now become a full sized website covering news, reviews, Interviews and much, much more. Of course, I didn’t do this all on my own, I had a lot of help from other very talented individuals and I thought it was only fitting to hold my own awards ceremony to acknowledge and appraise the hard work that my collaborators have put in to make this website grow. I present to you the Miketendo64 Blogger Awards.

Best Long Term Collaborator- Kuribo (Nintendo Figures)

Pretty much from the beginning of running this website, I have collaborated with Kuribo in order to get his expert reviews and opinions on Nintendo’s figures and amiibo. It is a field that I personally don’t much savvy to but I have long respected his opinion and his reviews are thorough and honest. I is an honour to give him this award and a privilege to have him on Team Miketendo64.


Best Newcomer- themancalledscott (Wizard Dojo)

This is a very close call between two individuals but I can only really nominate one and that is of course the Review Wizard himself, themancalledscott. His game reviews have always been of great interest to me. He leaves no room for error and is exact with his opinion. He says what a lot of people think and is not afraid to speak his mind. Scott, Great to have you on board buddy!


Best Hands-On Collaborator- Mr Panda (Mr Panda’s Game Reviews)

Not afraid to get out in the field, Mr Panda goes on step and beyond in order to bring the best quality reviews to the table. He is a team player and is willing to take a hit for the team to get the best results. Another blogger who was first to join Team Miketendo64 and we are much better for it. Thanks Mr. Panda for your support.


Best Social Networker- Victoria (HGN) (Handheld Gaming Network)

Victoria, you were an exceptionally great help in helping Miketendo64, climb up popularity ladder. Your influence in various Social Network groups has increased our following and the time you were with our team will always be greatly appreciated. The door is always open for you if ever you would like to return and you are always welcome with open arms.


Best Bloggers To Follow- Rachel & Kristen (Double Jump)

Though we have never really worked together or collaborated as of yet, I always find this blog of great interest. With a sister duo to boot, It is a great insight into the feminine respective of gaming. It is largely thought of that gaming is a male dominant past-time but there are actually a lot more female gamers out there than we think and guess what guys, They can be pretty killer in Call of Duty and Titan Fall too! With that, Rachel & Kristen I take my hat off to you.


Best Contribution To Miketendo64- Jacktendo92

Our most prestigous award goes to the one and only, Jacktendo92. He is by far, the best thing to happen to Miketendo64 that I have actually considered changing the name of this website in his honour. However, with our growing popularity it would be senseless to change the brand name now so instead, he gets to hold his own ‘Jacktendo’ segments. Yes it is true that he is the Editor-In-Chief for Miketendo64 but he has made more contributions than perhaps the whole team put together (myself included). He is a constant source of information and ideas, not afraid to get his hands dirty whilst scouring the internet for news, rumours, etc. He is truly an exceptionally talented individual who deserves much more credit than he gets. His contacts within certain Nindie Development companies has opened the doors to many opportunities that we did not have before.



Honourary Mentions

It has to be said that there are many more talented individuals that should be commended for their efforts in making Miketendo64 the New Website it is today so I wish to thank them all now in our Honourary mentions.

Gamer2006 (Gamer2006)

Matt (Nintendobound)

Man-in-the-field (Gaming Controllers)

avlongman9 (Miketendo Strip)

Dan (DansGamingNews)


Thank You for reading this post and I want to thank everyone who has supported this website, both reader and collaborators, for if it wasn’t for you guys and girls, we would long since given up the ghost. Be sure to keep a look out for our Next Awards Ceremony as we present Awards to some of our favourite Indie Devs in the “Miketendo 64 Nindie Dev Awards.” Stay Tuned and until next time, Keep On Gaming!

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By Mike Scorpio

I am Chief Administrator for Miketendo64.com A news & reviews website for Nintendo related articles and merchandise. An intermediate gamer with over 20 years of experience spanning 4 decades and 4 generations of Nintendo Games Consoles From the NES up to the Wii U. I also manage our YouTube Channel where I post videos frequently ranging from Let's Plays, Unboxings, Let's Talk Abouts, Our Wii U Lv1 Playthrough Series and the Super Mario Maker Bros Show! and a whole lot more, we even have our own Miketendo64 Directs!

4 thoughts on “The Miketendo64 Blogger Awards AKA The M’ies”
  1. Thank you for the award and it has been a blast partnering with Miketendo over the last year or so. Here is to many more years!

  2. Wow! Thank you very much for the award. I can’t wait to add more content to Miketendo64!

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