For anyone still glued to their phones due to Animal Crossing, I hope you’re ready to go back to the way things were, almost.


The event that allows players to make friendships with animals faster, has ended and it is now replaced by a new Friend Frenzy, an event where making friends with other players is a must! Sure it may sound a tad tedious, since you’ve probably already got plenty, but there is a good reason for this event!

A new update is on its way to Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp and when it drops, it will open up a whole new activity for players to do and that activity is gardening! A new area will be added to your campsite and with it, you will be able to grow “all sorts of flowers” in your very own garden plot. As for where the friends thing comes into it, well you can actually water the plants of your friends when you visit them and they can do the same for you! (Isn’t that nice!)


 Not to solely be about gardening though, the notice in which all this news comes from, it also talks about Crafting Clothes. Crafting Clothes will be a feature that allows you to have a wardrobe made up of the clothes you want, and not the ones you settled for. However Crafting Clothes and Gardening will not go live at the same time, as Crafting Clothes will release afterwards, but nothing is set in stone as it is subject to change. Oh, there’s also an old Animal Crossing friend looking to make an appearance as well, so be sure to be on the look out!

Back to the Friend Frenzy event though, it will run from to the 21st of December at 06:59 CEST (21:59 PT on December 20th in North America,) so make the most of it while you can, because gardening is coming!


 Source: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp (Mobile Application)

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By Jack Longman

In 2015, when rumours of the NX and Zelda U were everywhere, my brother and I started Miketendo64 and we've been running it ever since. As the Editor-in-Chief, I have attended video gaming events in three different countries, been to preview events, and penned more than 4,000 articles to date, ranging from news, to features, reviews, interviews and guides. I love gaming and I love all things Nintendo. I also love Networking, so don't be afaid to reach out. Email: / Website: YouTube channel:

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