X marks the spot!

Ahead of NAISU’s release of Mokoko X on April 7, 2022, we recently had the chance to get in touch with the developers and speak at length regarding the upcoming release. With many questions asked and answered and just a few days to go from today and release, we’ll be sharing a couple of highlights from the full interview and to kick things off, we’re focusing on development.

Before diving straight into the Q&A, let’s first welcome Göksan Güner:

Naisu (Nice) to meet you, Göksan:

Miketendo64: Before we dive right into the probing questions, we always like to start things off nice and light. Therefore, would you be so kind as to introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

Göksan Güner: My name is Göksan, since from the elementary school I’ve wanted to make games. That’s why I majored in computer science. After I graduated, I started to work for companies making mobile games. I didn’t like it. I had no money. I thought instead of making a bad FPS, if I make a good jigsaw puzzle game it would be better. I did that while working in a mobile game company, which kickstarted me and I’ve become a full-time indie developer.

Before going full time indie, all the projects I’ve participated in for other companies failed badly by the way. I focused on cheap but good for its price games, always kept close contact with the players.

Doing that eventually made me earn more and I eventually released Mokoko X. I would have earned more if I were to work in some big game company for sure instead of insisting on staying indie. Each time I’ve just earned enough to expand one more step with my games.

Miketendo64: And now to follow-up, what is your role at NAISU and what is the extent of your involvement with Mokoko X?

Göksan Güner: I am the founder of NAISU, I can say that I am a still semi solo developer. I haven’t had the production money to make the games I wanted. The most important thing I did correct was knowing my strength. I have never underestimated or overestimated myself, I’ve made all the games knowing if I were able.

After I had started getting bored with jigsaw puzzle games, I did a small Kickstarter for Mokoko. We were able to collect around €2,000. Although, it may seem a small amount of money, it changed my life. Not because it is a large amount of money, but I’ve seen that some people approve of our work. We released Mokoko with very little production funding.

Then, after I got a permit from consoles for Mokoko, I decided to make Mokoko as I wanted with more economical freedom. So instead of releasing Mokoko immediately to consoles, I decided to make Mokoko X as a remake and then releasing it to consoles. The money I’ve earned from Mokoko, I spent more for Mokoko X as a remake. Because I had always thought Mokoko lacked the quality that it deserved. Mokoko X has around 15 times more production expanses than Mokoko. I can say that it is not a quick cash grab that many remakes or remasters do.

Making a Game like Mokoko X:

Miketendo64: When developing Mokoko X, was there anything from the outset that you wished to accomplish in this title that you couldn’t in the previous instalment?

Göksan Güner: No, I have no remorse with Mokoko X. I have thought about some extra features and even implemented them, but they didn’t fit the game, so I removed the features.

Miketendo64: What prompted Mokoko X’s creation specifically and how long was the game in development?

Göksan Güner: Mokoko took around 9 months, whereas Mokoko X took 18 months, even though it is a remake.

Miketendo64: Due to the sexual themes Mokoko X is said to contain, with Nintendo being the family friendly company we know them to be, have you had to censor the Switch release in any capacity, compared to other versions of the game?

Göksan Güner: We had no problems with it as I designed the game and stories to have adult content as extra content. The adult content is available and free on Steam, but our main focus is not the adult content. We tried to make the game play and stories fun; the adult content was not our main focus.

Miketendo64: Game development is never without its own issues. From ideas that can’t be realized, core gameplay mechanics getting overhauled or budgetary cuts, were there any cut ideas and content that were unable to be properly implemented in Mokoko X?

Göksan Güner: The original Mokoko had some issues, but what bothered me in Mokoko has been fixed in Mokoko X. I am confident that Mokoko X is a well-polished and completed game.

Miketendo64: Is there anything in particular that prompted you to go with a top-down, third person style of gameplay instead of something like first person?

Göksan Güner: No, something other than top-down was a never considered.

About Mokoko X:

About – Mokoko X was inspired from the arcade games from 1980s and 1990s, a popular gaming style back in the time. Mokoko X looks to resurrect the soul of the arcade genre while adding a modern touch. There are 32 levels in Mokoko X; each level has its own unique boss and minions. The main goal is assisting the unlucky girls that need help from the weird bosses. This is sometimes passing a mobile game level, sometimes helping out with the insects in the kitchen.

Gameplay – The main goal is conquering the bigger portion of the screen. While you are in your own area, you are safe from the enemies until your shield depletes. You conquer new areas by drawing out of your area. Drawing, however, deactivates your shield and exposes you to danger. Your shield decreases constantly. If you do not conquer at a certain frequency, your shield will burn out and you will not be safe on your own areas as well. There are 3 difficulties in the game. The difficulty affects enemies, your shield, and the required conquered area percentage for the victory.


Key Features:

  • 8 unlucky girls in need of help
  • 32 levels with unique bosses and minions
  • Absurd stories that will reveal details about the bosses and the girls
  • Fully animated, Japanese and English voice overs for all the characters!
  • Lovely graphics!
  • Traps, towers, crates and bonus effects
  • Arcade Mode
  • Live high scores displayed for hardcore players
  • Nostalgia remastered!


Stories – Have you ever asked these questions to yourself:

  • How do you stop a heartless but not soulless emperor?
  • Can someone be a gyroscope and a guard dog at the same time?
  • Why do those ducks attack us?
  • Are there really demonic headphones in the world?
  • Why do lizardmen need a plastic toy for summoning their god?
  • How do you become a villain after revolting against the ant queen?
  • What do scientists want from Albert the wonderful sea creature?

Well, Mokoko X answers all these questions and more!


Here are some missions!:

  • Help out Iren with her arachnophobia and fight with the imaginary spider Mr. Fyodorov.
  • Protect Issa’s house from getting pillaged by the ghost pirates stuck inside the anchors. They were not the bane of Seven Seas – the crew was killed in their first naval battle.
  • Toru wished to be a mosquito to annoy people. A local witch heard him, and transformed him into a mosquito. Now he causes trouble to people every night.

Fight against the weird enemies… and learn about their absurd stories!

The whole family can go on a spacey adventure; with its non-violent gameplay, incredible story, logical puzzles, and easy controls, Dexter and gang are sure to jump off the screen and into your heart.

Mokoko X releases on Nintendo Switch on April 7, 2022 and if you would like to know more about this upcoming release, why not come back tomorrow for the next instalment?

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By Jack Longman

In 2015, when rumours of the NX and Zelda U were everywhere, my brother and I started Miketendo64 and we've been running it ever since. As the Editor-in-Chief, I have attended video gaming events in three different countries, been to preview events, and penned more than 4,000 articles to date, ranging from news, to features, reviews, interviews and guides. I love gaming and I love all things Nintendo. I also love Networking, so don't be afaid to reach out. Email: contact@miketendo64.com / jack.lo@miketendo64.com Website: https://miketendo64.com/ YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyVMO4QgcniAjhLxoyc9n8Q

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