Nintendo Switch

Playing video games is a passion many students have. There are many types of video games that can be played, and more and more get developed and launched every day. Action, shooter, adventure, or strategy are just a few of the game types or genres that exist on the market. 

However, many studies have shown that video games have a negative impact on the cognitive development of the ones playing them. And indeed, some video games might not be suited for all ages as they are very violent, which can make the players have a lower level of empathy. Even though playing video games can indeed come with some negative effects, they are also beneficial, especially for students. 

Being a student is not easy and you constantly feel you need to juggle between your tasks and plans. Writing assignments and essays, going to classes, watching movies, and meeting with friends are just a few of the activities that characterize the life of students. At times, studying might feel burdensome, but this might be because you need a boost. And this boost can come from Nintendo games. How could they do this? 

They Teach You to Be More Patient

Many students are looking to improve their studying skills and the natural step is to look for courses or classes that can help them do this. But while school might make many students think that only if you read something, you will be going to learn it, gaining knowledge and improving skills are also implicit activities. This means that you improve your skills while not being aware of it. Playing games on Nintendo, no matter their type, helps you improve your patience, which is so necessary during study years. 

When you play video games, you have some missions or goals to accomplish. You will be involved in a long process of trial and error, a process in which you learn to have patience. Patience is essential when learning and studying new things because you will need to put in resources and effort to master some complex topics. This can boost your studying process as you will understand that it takes time, effort, and a trial-and-error cycle to learn something new. 


They Teach You the Value of Teamwork

Many students play video games that require being part of a team and collaborating towards defeating the enemy. No matter if you play them on Nintendo or your laptop, they can exponentially boost your studying process. 

You probably remember having group projects during high school. They are an essential task during university too. This is because these group projects aim to teach students how it is like working in a team. Exactly what playing Nintendo games does. When you are part of a team, you need to collaborate and communicate efficiently. You need to focus your attention and efforts on the same goal to accomplish it. Working in a team can turn out to be enlightening and also an activity that will teach you a lot. But gamers already have this skill well developed and this is why their studying process is boosted.

They Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills are essential not only during the study years, but also for your future career, family life, relationships, and many more domains. We all know that from time-to-time problems appear and it is your perspective on them that can change the entire context. The way you approach problems and try to solve them is taught by Nintendo games. Games are entertaining because they introduce you to a whole new universe. But they are entertaining because they put your mind to the test too. Those different tasks and missions you have in every game improve and develop your problem-solving skills.

Students will face many issues or obstacles during college and knowing how to face them is essential. There are tips for students that can help you write an argumentative essay or a case study, but for some tasks, you may need help. Many professional writers can offer dissertation help for British students and help them accomplish their academic goals. 


They Improve Your Coordination

When thinking about playing video games, many students think that the smartphone might be the most accessible device on which you can play a game anytime. But some consoles go further than this and aim to help you improve your hand-eye coordination. Nintendo has a gaming console named Wii that is also interactive. It has sensors that help the console detect your body movements so that you can play games that improve your coordination. 

When playing video games, you rarely have enough time to brainstorm for solutions and ideas. You are, most of the time, required to take action within a required time frame. And this helps you think faster and coordinate your body better, which will boost your studying process as you will be more productive and focused. 



Even though playing video games can come with many negative effects, it can also be positive, especially for students. Student years teach those who go through them a lot of skills and knowledge, but many of these are implicit, meaning you are not fully aware of them up to a point. 

So, playing Nintendo games come with the same implicit skills gamers are developing. Teamwork, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, patience, and hand-eye coordination are just a few of the skills gamers develop. And all these skills are making the learning and studying process more productive, faster, and organized. Which is exactly what students are looking forward to. 


Image Sources: 

Alvaro Reyes – Unsplash

Lucas SantosUnsplash

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By Mike Scorpio

I am Chief Administrator for A news & reviews website for Nintendo related articles and merchandise. An intermediate gamer with over 20 years of experience spanning 4 decades and 4 generations of Nintendo Games Consoles From the NES up to the Wii U. I also manage our YouTube Channel where I post videos frequently ranging from Let's Plays, Unboxings, Let's Talk Abouts, Our Wii U Lv1 Playthrough Series and the Super Mario Maker Bros Show! and a whole lot more, we even have our own Miketendo64 Directs!

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