The New Additions A, B, C, D

Written by:  J.H.  Longman

There really is nothing quite like getting a new game, it’s the moment all gamers surely love, adding another title to their ever growing collection and with my time with Miketendo64, my collection too has grown and I just love it.

Not every game I review and write about are in my personal collection but after Bayonetta 2 and loving it as much as I did, I had to add another game, hence Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, after all there is a time in every gamer’s life, they have to have played at least one Creed game, but all that time on the high seas, kicking chests open, drinking rum, sinking ships and assassinating everyone who stood in my way, well it was only natural to hit up Amazon and order the other Creed title available on Wii U, but then the allure was too great to resist.


When it comes it come and for me, the moment had come where my hard earned cash just screamed for some use, so why order one game when you can get, well as many as you want, so instead of getting the more Ninten-do titles, I fancied some Ninten-don’t titles, adding Batman Arkham Origins, Call of Duty Ghosts and Darksiders 2 to my Amazon cart and now, just a few days later, they all take a place of pride in my gamer draw and already I’m heavily into all of them and they weren’t the only title to join my collection. This week Mike Scorpio visited our nearest GAME, a visit that saw him victoriously return with Bayonetta 1, thus completing my collection of the Umbran Witch videogame series. Although they weren’t the only games I’ve been playing this week, as Yoshi’s Woolly World also found itself being inserted into my console, followed by hours of gameplay, so with that, naturally a review would follow, which probably will air the same time as this piece does, so make sure you check out our Wii U feature section to see it, along with our Bayonetta 2 review and now that I’m playing game one, my god I can’t stop noticing the differences, they made some great improvements,but they really toned down the content and camera angles in game 2.

And with all that, it’s time to love you and leave you, as I have another world to complete and I fancy taking a turn with Moo Moo Yoshi. Till Next time.

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